Posted by Abu Hafidz

Polri yang mampu menjadi pelindung Pengayom dan Pelayan Masyarakat yang selalu dekat dan bersama-sama masyarakat, serta sebagai penegak hukum yang profesional dan proposional yang selalu menjunjung tinggi supermasi hukum dan hak azasi manusia, Pemelihara keamanan dan ketertiban serta mewujudkan keamanan dalam negeri dalam suatu kehidupan nasional yang demokratis dan masyarakat yang sejahtera

Drs. Timur Pradopo

Kapolwiltabes Bandung

Posted by Abu Hafidz

Seiring dengan perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (IPTEK), terutama dengan kehadiran Website dalam dunia internet, yang telah berkembang pesat dan banyak dipergunakan oleh masyarakat, untuk itu kehadiran web site Polwiltabes Bandung selain menjadi media informasi untuk melayani masyarakat, juga dapat memberikan keuntungan berupa berbagi informasi yang tentunya bukan hanya dibutuhkan oleh Polri sendiri, namun bagi masyarakat luas pada umumnya. /www.polwiltabesbandung.com

Sambutan Kapolwiltabes Bandung

Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Pembunuh Nomor 3 di Indonesia

Posted by Abu Hafidz

Kecelakaan lalu lintas merupakan pembunuh nomor 3 di Indonesia. Setiap tahunnya rata-rata 30.000 nyawa melayang di jalan raya. Dengan angka setinggi itu, Indonesia duduk di peringkat ke-3 negara di ASEAN yang jumlah kecelakaan lalu lintasnya paling tinggi. Ini angka yang luar biasa, kecelakaan bisa digolongkan sebagai pembunuh nomor 3 di Indonesia. Mayoritas penyebab utama kecelakaan lalu lintas adalah kondisi kendaran yang tidak laik jalan dan kelelahan fisik pengemudi /www.honda-tiger.or.id

under construction

Give your Smile

Posted by Abu Hafidz

Give your smile to everyone BUT give your love for onlyone person, Senyum adalah Ibadah yang sangat ringan, tetapi kadang banyak orang yang susah untuk melaksanakannya...


Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas

Posted by Abu Hafidz

Hindari berkendaraan dengan ugal-ugalan dan patuhi semua ketentuan dan rambu-rambu lalu-lintas. Memasang kelengkapan berkendaraan seperti Helm, Spion, lampu send, Plat Nomor serta lengkapi pula kendaraan anda dengan surat-surat kelengkapan administrasi seperti SIM STNK dan BPKB

Hindari resiko kecelakaan dengan berhati-hati dalam berkendaraan

45 Polisi Amankan Peluncuran Pertama

Diposting oleh laka On 06.49 0 komentar
BANDUNG - KASATLANTAS Polwiltabes Bandung AKBP Herukoco menegaskan, jajaran kepolisian siap membantu Pemkot Bandung dalam mengamankan operasional TMB.

Untuk membantu kelancaran lalulintas saat soft launching Senin (22/12) hingga beberapa hari selanjutnya, pihaknya menyiagakan sedikitnya 45 personel dari Satlantas Polwiltabes Bandung. “Kita siap mengawal kebijakan wali kota Bandung terkait pengoperasian TMB ini,” tegas Heru seusai rapat koordinasi dengan Pemkot Bandung di Mapolwiltabes Bandung Jalan Merdeka, Kota Bandung,kemarin.

Para polisi lalulintas (Polantas) tersebut akan ditempatkan di titik-titik yang dianggap rawan kemacetan.“ Setelah dikaji dan dipertimbangkan, kami akan menurunkan sekitar 45 personel untuk siaga di beberapa titik yang dianggap rawan,” ungkapnya. Jumlah tersebut belum termasuk bantuan dari polresta dan polsekta setempat.

Sedangkan untuk mengantisipasi adanya demo dari para pengusaha dan sopir angkot, pihaknya telah berkoordinasi dengan satuan lainnya di Polwiltabes Bandung. Dia mengungkapkan, dengan beroperasinya TMB diperkirakan ada beberapa lokasi yang berpotensi terjadi kemacetan. Selama ini yang membuat kemacetan yakni perilaku para sopir angkot yang ngetem di setiap lampu merah.

“Sebelum TMB beroperasi juga di beberapa titik sudah macet, apalagi kalau ditambah TMB,” terang Heru. Sementara itu, kemarin Dishub Kota Bandung telah menyelesaikan pembangunan 15 shelter sementara yang terbuat dari tenda terpal.

Berdasarkan pantauan SINDO, 15 shelter telah berdiri di beberapa titik sepanjang Jalan Soekarno Hatta mulai bundaran Cibiru hingga Cibeureum. Shelter-shelter tersebut berdiri masingmasing 1 unit di Cibiru,Pasar Gedebage, Metro Margahayu, kampus STT Mandala, Samsat Dispenda Jabar.

Masing-masing 2 unit di depan kampus LPKIA, Terminal Leuwipanjang, Pasar Caringin, Jalan Holis, dan 2 unit di Cibeureum. Kapala UPTD TMB Dishub Kota Bandung Yadi Haryadi mengakui jumlah shelter tersebut sesungguhnya masih kurang dari kebutuhan ideal. “Idealnya setiap daerah ada dua yakni berseberang- seberangan.

Tapi karena keterbatasan, maka ada beberapa wilayah yang hanya terdapat satu buah,seperti di Cibiru, Gedebage, dan Margahayu,” jelas Yadi saat dihubungi SINDO kemarin. Terkait aksi yang akan dilakukan para pengusaha dan sopir angkot,Yadi menyerahkan sepenuhnya kepada pihak kepolisian untuk mengamankan agar soft launching berjalan lancar tanpa kendala.

“Dalam rapat dengar pendapat di DPRD, pihak Kobanter telah berjanji tidak akan melakukan aksi anarkistis, dan kami percaya itu,” tandasYadi. (krisiandi sacawisastra/ yugi prasetyo/ wisnoe moerti)(sumber:seputarindonesia)

POLRI - Indonesian National Police

Diposting oleh laka On 18.25 0 komentar

POLRI - Indonesian National Police

POLRI, the Indonesian National Police, was incorporated into the armed forces in 1964 during the Sukarno era. Under Suharto steps were taken to militarise the Police by means of the National Defence Law of 1982 and the Police Law of 1997. As part of ABRI, the Police Force assumed all aspects of military structure, including ranks, budget, duties and even wage structure. The 1997 Law placed POLRI within the integral command structure of ABRI. On 01 April 1999, POLRI was separated from ABRI, the Indonesian armed forces. Although POLRI has been separated from ABRI, it remains under the jurisdiction of the Defence Minister, General Wiranto.

By 1993 POLRI was responsible for arresting and interrogating suspects, while a special POLRI force was responsible for dealing with street demonstrations. The BRIMOB (Brigade Mobil, Mobile Brigade), the most militarised force in POLRI, was trained to deal with mass demonstrations. Since the May 1998 upheaval, PHH (Pasukan Anti Huru-Hara, Anti Riot Unit) have received special anti-riot training.

Since 1945 Indonesia's National Police organization has been a national force, financed, directed, and organized by the central government. The strength of the national police force in 1992 was around 180,000. Its main duties were to maintain public order and security. Like the other armed services, the police considered themselves to be a social force active in national development, and therefore they participated in the armed services' civic missions.

The commander bore the title of police chief and was the highest ranking uniformed police officer in the nation. He was assisted by a deputy police chief. Police headquarters in Jakarta included a staff and several separate administrative bodies that handled specialized police functions. The police had its own territorial organization made up of seventeen jurisdictions, each of which was known as a Police Regional Command (Polda). Each Polda was administratively subdivided at the district, subdistrict, and village level. Polda Metrojaya, which had responsibility for the metropolitan Jakarta area, was subdivided into precincts, sections, and police posts. It was commonly referred to as the Jakarta Raya Metropolitan Regional Police.

Each Polda had its headquarters in a provincial capital and was assigned police units varying in strength and composition according to the needs dictated by the characteristics of the area. These forces were organized as city police forces or rural units and were under the operational command of the Polda commander, who in turn was directly responsible to national police headquarters. All police elements were charged with supporting the local government in their areas.

Functionally, the police were organized into a number of specialized elements. The largest of these was the uniformed police, which included both the general police, who performed conventional police duties relating to the control and prevention of crime and protection of property, and the traffic police, who patrolled the nation's roadways and supervised the licensing of drivers and the registration of motor vehicles. Also part of the uniformed force were the women police, who specialized in social matters and the welfare of women and children. Elite units of special police were employed to enforce order in terrorist situations beyond the capability of the regular forces. These units were better armed and more mobile than the general police and lived in separate barracks under more rigid discipline. These police wore the same uniform as other police but were distinguished by special badges.

A small unit of Sea and Air Police patrolled the national waters and airspace, providing tactical aid to other elements by regulating traffic, guarding against smuggling and the theft of fish, and supplying transport. The unit was also active in disaster relief. Its equipment included a few helicopters and light airplanes and various small seacraft.

Plainclothes police were assigned primary responsibility for criminal investigations, especially in complex cases or in cases involving several jurisdictions. They also handled forensics, intelligence, security, and the technical aspects of crime fighting, such as fingerprinting and identification.

One of the oldest National Police units was the Mobile Brigade, formed in late 1945. It was originally assigned the tasks of disarming remnants of the Japanese Imperial Army and protecting the chief of state and the capital city. It fought in the revolution, and its troops took part in the military confrontation with Malaysia in the early 1960s and in the conflict in East Timor in the mid-1970s. In 1981 the Mobile Brigade spawned a new unit called the Explosive Ordnance Devices Unit.

In 1992 the Mobile Brigade was essentially a paramilitary organization trained and organized on military lines. It had a strength of about 12,000. The brigade was used primarily as an elite corps for emergencies, aiding in police operations that required units to take quick action. The unit was employed in domestic security and defense operations and was issued special riot-control equipment. Elements of the force were also trained for airborne operations.

Police recruits were volunteers. Applicants were required to have at least a sixth-grade education and to pass a competitive examination. Other qualifications included physical fitness and good moral character. After three years' service as ordinary police, personnel with junior secondary-school diplomas could enter training to become NCOs. Those with three years' experience as NCOs were eligible for further training to enable them to become candidate officers and eventually enter the officer corps. Most higher ranking officers entered the force as graduates of the Police Division of Akabri.

Advanced training in vocational and technical subjects was available for regular police, for NCOs, and for officers. Promotions were often based on performance in advanced education. The Police Command and Staff School offered advanced training to police officers assigned to command units at the subdistrict, district, and Polda level. Training there focused on administration and logistics.

ABRI - Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia

Indonesia's four armed services, collectively termed the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia [ABRI - Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia], consist of the three military services--the army, navy, and air force--and the police. The effort to forge a united and coherent nation that could accommodate the natural diversity of peoples in the Indonesian archipelago has always been a central theme in the country's history. ABRI plays a role in national society that is perhaps unique in the world. The military establishment in the early 1990s was involved in many affairs of state that elsewhere were not normally associated with military forces and acknowledged as the dominant political institution in the country. The armed forces establishment, led by the dominant branch, the army, has been the country's premier institution since 1966 when, in its own view, it answered the summons of the people and moved to the center stage of national life. Comprising the three military services and the police, the armed forces operated according to dwifungsi, or dual function, a doctrine of their own evolution, under which they undertook a double role as both defenders of the nation and as a social-political force in national development.

To fully understand the role of the armed forces in contemporary Indonesian society, one must understand the absolute priority the government and the military leadership has placed, from the beginning of the New Order, on the importance of internal security to the achievement of national stability. The New Order government, whose military leaders played an important role in 1965 in crushing what was officially described as a communist coup attempt, believed that threats to internal stability were the greatest threats to national security. Having experienced two attempted coups, supposedly communist-inspired, a number of regional separatist struggles, and instability created by radical religious movements, the government had little tolerance for public disorder.

Since the beginning of Suharto's rise to power in 1965, the armed forces accepted and supported the foundation of his regime, namely, the belief that economic and social development was the nation's first priority and that social and political stability was absolutely essential if that goal were to be achieved. The primary mission of the armed forces has therefore been to maintain internal stability. The maintenance of internal security was considered an integral part of national defense itself. Indonesian doctrine considers national defense within the broader context of "national resilience," a concept that stresses the importance of the ideological, political, economic, social, and military strength of the nation. Like dwifungsi, this concept has also legitimized activities of the armed forces in areas not ordinarily considered belonging to the military sphere.

The role of the separate armed services has not changed since 1969, when the heads of the army, navy, and air force were reduced to chiefs of staff. Operational control of almost all their military units was vested in the commander in chief, reducing the headquarters of each military service to the status of administrative organs. Only the police chief continued to exercise operational control over his own personnel.

Communist victories in South Vietnam and Cambodia prompted national authorities to reconsider both the external threat the nation faced and how best to meet it. Consequently, the new minister of defense and security, General Mohammad Jusuf, directed a major upgrading of armed forces military capabilities. This upgrade included increased training and procurement of sufficient equipment and personnel to establish a core of some 100 fully ready combat battalions. Under Jusuf, the armed forces initiated extensive retraining and reorganization programs that culminated in a major reorganization of the armed forces in 1985.

Largely retained intact when split off from HANKAM in 1985, the ABRI staff and its functions remained directly subordinate to the commander in chief, who remained, in turn, directly responsible to the president, also the supreme commander of the armed forces. Under the commander in chief, there was a provision for a deputy, a position that in 1992 was not filled. There were two ABRI chiefs of staff, one for the general staff and one for social-political affairs. The inspector general and the assistant for plans and budget, as well as a number of agencies and institutes, remained directly under the commander in chief. The ABRI chief of general staff directed assistants for communications/electronics, intelligence, logistics, operations, personnel, public security affairs, and territorial affairs, the chief of staff for social-political affairs directed the armed forces' dwifungsi operations in the civilian sector of the government through assistants for nonmilitary workers' affairs and for social-political affairs. The ABRI joint staff supported the headquarters of each of the four services. Staff personnel were drawn from all four services. Police officers served only in positions related to internal security.

Hindari Gasibu Besok

Diposting oleh laka On 08.01 0 komentar

- Besok, Sabtu (16/8/2008), 'Pawai Pembangunan Kendaraan Hias' dalam rangka menyambut hari kemerdekaan RI ke-63 akan dipusatkan di Jalan Diponegoro, depan Gedung Sate. Beberapa ruas jalan akan ditutup.

"Untuk pengalihan arus kendaraan situasional. Pasti ada penutupan karena rangkaian kendaraan peserta pawai panjang. Namun kita lihat besok, apakah perlu ditutup atau tidak. Anggota akan mengatur," ujar Kasatlantas Polwiltabes AKBP Heru Koco saat dihubungi detikbandung, Jumat (15/8/2008).

Heru juga menambahkan, ada 148 personel dari Polwiltabes Bandung yang akan menjaga dan mengatur lalu lintas saat pawai berlangsung.

"Ada kurang lebih 148 personel dari kita (Polwiltabes Bandung - red). Ditambah nanti dari Polresta Bandung Tengah, Barat, Timur dan dari Polda Jabar. Intinya kita akan mengamankan pawai tersebut," pungkas Heru.

Menurut Heru, rute yang akan dilakui pawai tersebut adalah Jalan Diponegoro ke timur menuju Jalan Supratman, Jalan Ahmad Yani, Jalan Asia Afrika, Jalan Sudirman, Jalan Gardujati, Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto, Jalan Pateurs, Jalan Cipaganti, Terusan Setiabudi, Gandok, Jalan Siliwangi, Jalan Dipati Ukur, dan Monumen Perjuangan.

Bandung Belum Siap Uji Coba TMB

Diposting oleh laka On 07.46 0 komentar

Baru 9 dari 15 Selter Semipermanen yang Dipasang

Kota Bandung dinilai belum siap melakukan uji coba angkutan massal Trans Metro Bandung (TMB). Sebab, hampir semua infrastruktur pendukung operasional TMB belum dipenuhi.

Demikian ditegaskan pakar transportasi Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Prof. Dr. Ir. Ofyar Z. Tamin, M.Sc. saat ditemui di Gedung Pascasarjana ITB, Jln. Tamansari Bandung, Kamis (18/12). "Kalau mau membenahi sistem transportasi di Bandung, harus memulai dengan sistem transportasi terpadu. Makanya, TMB dibutuhkan. Tapi sekarang, sarana penunjang belum siap sama sekali," katanya.

Selter, misalnya, hanya dibangun dari tenda dan tiang pancang. Konsep TMB yang awalnya berjalan di koridor jalan sebelah kanan, terpaksa beroperasi di jalur kiri ketika uji coba. "Lalu, apa bedanya dengan angkutan biasa?" ujar Ofyar.

Selain itu, menurut dia, diperlukan angkutan umum sebagai feeder. "Perlu ada angkutan yang mengantarkan warga di pinggiran menuju ke koridor TMB. Namun, yang saya lihat, koordinasi dengan angkutan umum saja belum mengarah ke sana. Padahal, ini penting untuk menghindari kompetisi," tutur Ofyar.

Berdasarkan pemantauan "PR", hingga Kamis kemarin baru ada 9 selter semipermanen TMB yang dibangun. Padahal sebelumnya, pemasangan 15 selter semipermanen dijadwalkan selesai Rabu (17/12). Enam selter yang belum dipasang adalah seberang Samsat Kiaracondong, LPKIA, Caringin, Metro Trade Centre (MTC), Margahayu, dan Holis.

Menurut Kepala Unit Pelaksanaan Teknis TMB Dinas Perhubungan (Dishub) Kota Bandung Yadi Haryadi, Dishub kekurangan personel untuk menyelesaikan selter tepat waktu. "Kami hanya punya tujuh personel untuk mendirikan selter, padahal perlu pengecoran. Namun semoga Jumat (hari ini-red.) seluruhnya selesai," ujarnya.

"Grand design"

Menurut Ofyar, idealnya 30%-40% luas kota digunakan untuk peruntukan jalan raya. Di Bandung, peruntukannya hanya 3-4%, sedangkan perluasan jalan sulit dilakukan. "Kalaupun bisa diperluas, pasti banyak yang menjadi lahan parkir atau tempat berjualan. Memang perlu ada TMB, tapi dengan grand design yang matang, " ucapnya.

Ofyar menilai, Pemkot Bandung belum menyiapkan grand design detail menyangkut TMB dan sarana penunjang yang dibutuhkan. Apalagi, TMB hanya sebagian kecil dari sistem transportasi terpadu.

Menanggapi hal tersebut, Yadi mengatakan, grand design TMB masih dalam proses konsorsium. "Grand design secara utuh memang belum ada, namun kami mengacu pada Rencana Umum Jangka Panjang Pemkot Bandung tentang penyediaan angkutan massal. Jadi, sedikit demi sedikit akan dikerjakan," katanya.

Kasatlantas Polwiltabes Bandung Ajun Komisaris Besar Herukoco menyatakan, saat hari H pengoperasian TMB, sedikitnya 30 personel polisi akan diturunkan membantu Dishub dalam pengamanan lalu lintas di jalur TMB. (A-175/A-178)***

photos of the accident

Diposting oleh laka On 07.41 0 komentar
Gruesome photos of the accident scene have spread around the internet, and people have e-mailed the images to Catsouras' family. Her parents Christos and Lesli Catsouras are now suing the California Highway Patrol who took and allegedly leaked the accident photos to the internet.

porsche girl nikki catsouras highway crashed car picture

Porsche girl Nikki Catsouras's crashed car picture

A bad accident

Diposting oleh laka On 07.35 0 komentar
Auto crashes head on into a cop car. A bad accident with a highway patrol vehicle in this collision pic with the police department.

Description Only

An auto crashes head on into a cop car.

A bad accident with a highway patrol vehicle in this

collision pic with the police department.


Diposting oleh laka On 07.26 0 komentar

A highway is a main road intended for travel by the public between important destinations, such as cities and towns. Highway designs vary widely and can range from a two-lane road without margins to a multi-lane, grade separated freeway. In law the word highway is often used as a legal term to denote any public road, ranging from freeways to dirt tracks.[1] An interconnected set of highways can be variously referred to as a "highway system", a "highway network" or a "highway transportation system".[2]

The United States has the largest network of highways, including both the Interstate highways and United States Numbered Highways. At least one of these networks is present in every state and connects most major cities. The Expressway Network of the People's Republic of China, also known as National Trunk Highway System (NTHS) has a total length of about 53,600 km at the end of 2007, which is the world's second longest system of expressways only after that of the United States.

Some highways, like the Pan-American Highway or the European routes, bridge multiple countries. Australia's Highway 1 is the longest national highway in the world at over 20,000 km (12,000 mi) and runs almost the entire way around the country.

Highways are not always continuous stretches of pavement. For example, some highways are interrupted by bodies of water, and ferry routes may serve as sections of the highway.

Perilaku pengendara sepeda motor

Diposting oleh laka On 10.31 0 komentar

Bandung - Perilaku pengendara sepeda motor yang belum tertib lalu lintas masih menjadi penyumbang terbesar angka kecelakaan lalu lintas (Laka Lantas) di wilayah Bandung. Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Kasatlantas Polwiltabes Bandung AKBP Herukoco.

"Tiap bulan angka kecelakaan fluktuatif. Namun selama satu semester ini tingkat kecelakaan paling banyak adalah sepeda motor mencapai 90 persen dan sisanya disumbang oleh kendaraan roda empat," ungkap Herukoco saat ditemui seusai upacara serah terima jabatan Kapolres Bandung Barat di aula Mapolwiltabes, Jalan Jawa, Rabu (18/6/2008).

Menurut Heru, kesadaran pengguna motor masih minim. Seperti masih banyak yang tidak menyalakan lampu besar di siang hari dan tidak mempergunakan helm standar.

"Walaupun tidak akan ditilang jika tidak menyalakan lampu besar di siang hari tapi ini harus menjadi kesadaran dari pengguna motor. Pengendara motor harus menjaga dirinya sendiri. Maka dari itu kita terus mengkampanyekan tertib lalu lintas," kata Heru.

Saat ditanya data tentang angka kecelakaan, Heru tidak dapat merincinya. "Saya harus buka-buka arsip dulu. Tapi seingat saya kecelakaan yang menyebabkan kematian sampai lima persen dari total kecelakaan. Kalau dihitung rata-rata per bulan lebih dari sepuluh kecelakaan," pungkas Heru.

Jalan Lubang Lele ???

Diposting oleh laka On 07.13 0 komentar

BANDUNG, (PRLM).- Pengguna Jalan Palasari-Jalan Terusan M. Toha Kab. Bandung mengeluhkan kondisi jalan yang rusak parah. Di beberapa bagian Jalan Palasari, terlihat lubang-lubang besar.

“Memang belum ada korban jiwa. Namun, banyak juga yang sudah celaka, terjebak lubang tersebut. Pada musim hujan ini, lubang tersebut tertutup genangan air,” ujar Eka, warga setempat, Rabu (17/12).

Jalan yang berlubang dan digenangi itu mirip kubangan tempat menebar ikan. Entah mau mengingatkan pengguna jalan atau menyindir, sebagian warga setempat memberi tanda kubangan itu dengan tulisan “Awas Ada Lubang Lele” dan “Lele Berdasi”. (Ndg/A-147)***

your smile, is my happiness

Diposting oleh laka On 14.57 0 komentar

SEJUMLAH calon penumpang angkutan umum menunggu kendaraan di selter yang rencananya dipergunakan untuk penumpang Trans Metro Bandung (TMB) yang didirikan di depan Terminal Leuwipanjang Bandung, Selasa (16/12). Selter tersebut dipasang masih sejajar dengan trotoar jalan sehingga masih bisa digunakan sebagai halte angkutan umum.* M. GELORA SAPTA/"PR"

Dinas Perhubungan Kota Bandung memberikan tenggat 3-4 bulan kepada perusahaan pemenang tender pembangunan selter Trans Metro Bandung (TMB). Penetapan pemenang tender diharapkan bisa terealisasi akhir 2008. Demikian dikatakan oleh Kepala Dinas Perhubungan Timbul Butarbutar di Pendopo Wali Kota Bandung, Selasa (16/12).

Saat ini investor yang mengikuti tender selter permanen TMB baru memasuki tahap prakualifikasi. Tender tersebut diikuti oleh tiga perusahaan asal Jakarta, PT Horison, PT Alita, dan PT Pringgondani.

Menurut Timbul, tenggat tersebut diberikan untuk mempercepat penyelesaian masa uji coba TMB yang baru akan dimulai Senin (22/12) mendatang. "Nanti akan ada 32 selter yang akan dipasang, tetapi untuk semipermanen akan kami bangun 15 selter dulu, namanya juga masih uji coba," kata Timbul.

Selter semipermanen saat ini dipasang hanya menggunakan tiang pancang yang ditanam dan dilapisi dengan tenda. Selter tersebut dipasang masih sejajar dengan trotoar jalan sehingga masih bisa digunakan sebagai halte angkutan umum. "Selter semipermanen memang sengaja dibuat sejajar dengan trotoar jalan, supaya bisa digunakan oleh semua pengguna angkutan," kata Timbul.

Dari 39 bus TMB yang rencananya akan dioperasikan, baru 10 bus yang akan diikutkan dalam masa uji coba. Bus tersebut akan melayani trayek Cibeureum-Cibiru. Mengenai terminal TMB, Timbul mengatakan, tidak akan mengerjakan pembangunan fisik terminal. "Soalnya kita menggunakan sistem putar, jadi ketika trayek sudah habis bus langsung jalan lagi, tidak ada terminal," kata Timbul.

Alih trayek

Dengan beroperasinya TMB, Timbul menekankan tidak ada trayek angkutan umum yang akan dialihfungsikan. "Kita tidak menambah jumlah trayek, sekarang kami hanya kerja sama dengan DAMRI. Dari Elang ke arah timur saja, ada 18 trayek, sekarang kita kurangi jadi hanya 8. Sepuluhnya lagi diganti jadi TMB. Jadi secara fisik, tidak ada penambahan kendaraan," kata Timbul.

Bus TMB yang akan diuji coba pada Senin depan memiliki 19 kursi. Meniru konsep busway di Jakarta, sisa tempat bisa digunakan untuk berdiri. "Jadi total bisa dimasuki oleh 36 penumpang," kata Timbul.

Usai UAS, Pulang Naik Truk

Diposting oleh laka On 07.40 0 komentar
PULUHAN siswa SDN Mekarsari di atas bak truk
Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum seusai
mengikuti ujian akhir semester ganjil di
Gedung Juang `45 Graha Purna Laga Jaya
melintas di Jln. Siliwangi, Kecamatan Baleendah,
Kabupaten Bandung, Senin (15/12). Pelaksanaa
UAS terpaksa dilaksanakan di tempat lain
karena gedung SDN Mekarsari masih terendam

Catatan Laka : "Hindari dan minimalisir
kecelakaan dengan menggunakan kendaraan
sesuai peruntukannya"


Diposting oleh laka On 11.14 0 komentar


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    Melaksanakan Proses Penyidikan Laka Cepat & Tepat Waktu

    Memberitahukan perkembangan hasil penyidikan laka kpd keluarga korban,tersangka dan penasehat hukumnya secara berkala via surat dan TI ;

    e-mail : llwiltabes@gmail.com

    Situs : http://lakalantaswiltabesbdg.co.nr

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